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Academic Policy Memo 4

Revised May, 1996

Credit-by-Examination Policy

Students in the School of Drama may petition to receive credit for any non-studio course in the Drama curriculum. They must follow the procedure as outlined in the University's General Catalog, and in the University Handbook that shows how to file the application for approval.
Then the student must file a formal request to the Head of BA studies. S/he will consult with the Executive Director and the faculty of the course being challenged regarding the appropriateness of the request. If the request is granted, the Executive Director will select a faculty member to oversee the examination.

All credit-by-examination cases will be graded credit/no credit, unless the faculty deems number grading to be more appropriate for the particular course being challenged.


Academic Policy Memo No.4 first established May, 1976.
Subsequent revisions 5/96
Executive Committee Approval: 5/21/96
Faculty Approval 6/3/96.
