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Production Policy Memo 11

Revised June, 1996

Production: Budget Oversight and Purchasing

Budgeting and purchasing plans for Drama Productions are determined in advance of the season and finalized for each show at an early production meeting. The Technical Director for each production is responsible for monitoring the spending in the areas of sets, props, lights and sound. No purchases in those areas are to be made without his/her approval. The TD will work with Alan Weldin who handles purchasing in the Scene Shop. The Costume Designer is similarly responsible for all costume purchases. He/She will work with Josie Gardner in the Costume Shop. The budgets established for the productions are not to be exceeded without the permission of the Production Manager. Such permission will only be granted under extraordinary circumstances as determined by the Production Manager.

Purchasing of items other than those listed above is handled by the Production Manager and requests should be made through that office.

Note: Additional information is available in

  • Production Policy Memo No. 2 (Production Guidelines)
  • Production Policy Memo No. 7 (Budget Allocation and Scenery Stock)
  • Production Policy Memo No. 10 (Musicians, Arrangers...)
  • Production Policy Memo No. 17 (Costume Shop Guidelines)
  • Production Policy Memo No. 18 (Scene Shop Guidelines)
  • Operations Manual (available in both the Production and Drama Office)
  • School of Drama Prompter



Production Policy Memo No. 11, first established before 1985
Subsequent revisions 9/83, 9/88
Executive Committee Approval: 5/21/96
Faculty Approval: 6/3/96
