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Production Policy Memo 6

Non-Undergraduate Theatrical Society (UTS) Production

In response to concerns brought to the faculty and BA Council, and in meetings with the Undergraduate Theatrical Society (UTS), the Cabaret space will be available for three weeks of every quarter to a group of undergraduate students to produce a show that is NOT under the auspices of UTS.

In order to give undergraduate students options in production, they may either go through the UTS application process and have the support of UTS during production or have more autonomy (and less financial support) in producing on their own.

In order to qualify to use the space for this ‘non-UTS’ slot undergraduate students will submit an application to the BA Council. The BA Council will select one show per quarter for performance in the Cabaret.

Among other items the selection criteria will include feasibility and artistic merit.

For the ‘non-UTS’ slot in the Cabaret, support will be limited to a Cabaret manager who will assist with the use of some of the facilities in the Cabaret. The application has more specific details regarding support. A deposit may be required to produce a show in this slot. The application deadlines and selection announcements will parallel those of UTS.


Production Policy Memo No. 6, First established June, 2004
Subsequent Revisions,
Executive Committee Approval: 6/2/04
Faculty Approval: 6/7/04
