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Administrative Policy Memo 4

Revised September, 2004

Graduate Student Service Appointment Guidelines

Appointments for Academic Student Employees (ASE) are administered in accordance with the University of Washington's contract with the UAW. This contract is available on line at:
Where this contract and the University Guidelines in Executive Order 28 (below) differ, the contract shall have precedence.

University Guidelines for Graduate Student Service Appointments
Website reference:

  1. Graduate appointees must make satisfactory progress toward their degrees and perform satisfactorily in the duties of their appointments. Full-time (10 credits) enrollment is required of appointees during Autumn, Winter and Spring Quarters.
  2. An initial offer of appointment is normally based on evaluation of the applicant=s academic credentials and the department's judgment of the applicant's potential for sustained achievement in the field of graduate study and for a high standard of performance in teaching, research, or related activities.
  3. Reappointment decisions are normally made on the basis of satisfactory progress toward the degree, performance of TA/RA/GSA duties, and availability of positions.
  4. Satisfactory progress toward the degree includes such things as continuing enrollment in the program; satisfactory completion of course work in a graduate program at a reasonable rate; a cumulative grade point average competitive in the program and, in any case, not less than the Graduate School minimum of 3.0; satisfactory and timely completion of examinations in the graduate program; and steady and substantial progress toward completion of a thesis, dissertation, or terminal project. Appointees should be evaluated at least annually and given written feedback about how they meet the department's satisfactory progress standards for reappointment.

School of Drama Guidelines for Satisfactory Progress:

  1. Adherence to University criteria for satisfactory progress.
  2. Contribute with distinction to the academic and performance programs within the School of Drama.
  3. Produce tangible research and/or creative works which meet the approval of the School of Drama faculty.
  4. Satisfactory completion of course work in the manner outlined by School of Drama faculty.
  5. Incompletes will be granted only upon written petition; copies of the petition form (SD1330) are available in Drama Office.
  6. Satisfactory quarterly evaluation from supervisor and faculty in area of emphasis.

Service Appointments: School of Drama

  1. Vacancies for Graduate Staff Assistant and Teaching Assistant positions will be posted on a departmental bulletin board and in the Scene Shop. Application information can be obtained from the Drama Office. Students in good standing in School of Drama graduate programs will automatically be considered for these openings. Positions which cannot be filled by a current Drama graduate student will be advertised to other UW graduate students by announcements posted on bulletin boards and e-mails sent to the graduate program assistant list.
  2. Teaching Assistantship (TA) and Staff Assistantship (SA) award decisions are made by program area heads.
  3. Appointments for Staff Assistants and Teaching Assistants are awarded on a quarterly basis.
  4. Reappointment of Staff Assistants and Teaching Assistants will normally follow the procedures outlined in the University Handbook and the UW/UAW contract and comply with departmental guidelines for Satisfactory Progress.

Conditions of Appointments: Graduate Staff Assistants

Graduate appointments are for an average 20-hour per week time commitment, with a total of 220 hours to be worked per quarter. See the UW/UAW union contract, articles 10, 16 and 30 for more information on leave(s).

Time spent in fulfilling the service requirements of a GSA is not to be confused with "class time" or "lab time", which shall be calculated and reported separately from paid service time.

PM8104/REV 9-2004

Administrative Policy Memo Number 4 first established prior to Oct. 1986.
Subsequent revisions: July 1983; Feb. 1988; March 1991; March 1993; June 1994; May 1995; September 2004
Executive Committee approval: 9/16/2004
Faculty Approval: 9/20/2004
