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Administrative Policy Memo 6

Revised May, 1996

Use of School of Drama Spaces by Others

University departments and organizations directly connected with the University may use School of Drama rehearsal and performance spaces when granted permission by the Executive Director. Application for use of spaces should be made to the production office. Such permission will be granted only when the proposed use does not conflict with use of the space by the School of Drama.

Any department or organization using a School of Drama theatre space must hire a qualified University of Washington house manager to be present whenever they are in the space.

Productions requiring lighting or other theatrical equipment will need the services of one or more University of Washington technician paid for by the using group. The Technical Director and Production Manager will nominate qualified students for the above jobs whenever possible.
School of Drama rehearsal and performance spaces are normally not rented to groups that have no connection with the University. Exceptions to this policy are to be requested of the Executive Director.

Non-profit professional theatre groups not connected with the University must have the approval of the Executive Director in order to use the facilities of the scene shop or costume shop. Such approval will only be given when the proposed use will not conflict with the School of Drama use of the facilities, and when the proposed use is in the interests of the School. The Scene and Costume shops are not available for use by commercial operations.


Administrative Policy Memo No. 6, first issued before 1985
Subsequent Revisions: 10/87, 10/95
Executive Committee Approval: 5/21/96
Faculty Approval: 6/3/96.
