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Academic Policy Memo 8

Revised September 2015

Graduate Student On-Leave Policy and Procedure


In accordance with guidelines established by Graduate the School ( and (, the granting of requests for on-leave status is formally considered and reviewed prior to approval being given.

The guidelines for the granting of on-leave status to graduate students in the School of Drama are:

  • meet the need for short-term withdrawal from the academic program in response to a personal emergency; or
  • for purposes of professional internship or thesis or dissertation research; or
  • if the student has finished all required coursework but it not ready to defend.

Students on leave for professional internships or thesis or dissertation research must continue to show satisfactory progress as defined in Administrative Policy Memo #4.


  1. Consult with your program head on your plan for going on-leave.
  2. Request on-leave status from “MyGrad” and notify the grad programs adviser that you have applied for leave so that s/he can approve your leave request. Once your leave request has been approved, pay the $25 fee.
  3. Return any keys you have checked out from the main office, costume shop, scene shop. Return any borrowed costumes or props.
  4. If you have outstanding student loans, and you are on leave because of a degree requirement (e.g. an internship) you may be able to defer loan repayments. See the graduate program adviser for more information about the “Required Off Site Education” form.

Students who fail to maintain graduate student status by either not registering or not going on leave will need to file for reinstatement to the Graduate School. 

 PM8208/REV September 2015

