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Costume Shop: After Hours Rules

Rules for Student Use - The Costume Shop

There MUST be two or more people in shop at all times . This means if one of the two has to leave, the other must also leave. This is a safety concern. The door must be kept locked. Do not allow friends or strangers in. This opportunity is for students who are registered in Drama Classes only. Non registered students must reserve the room during normal work hours.

Students wishing to use the shop between 9am and 5 pm Monday – Friday must put in a request 24 hours in advance with one of the staff and be approved to sign up on the costume shop calendar to work INDEPENDENTLY and QUIETLY in the space. T here is a limit of 2 students in total at any time for this request. Do not just show up and ask. We will have to say “no.”

Students working independently must be familiar with and trained on any machines they need to use. T he industrial machines may only be used in the presence of shop staff . If you need to use one of the industrial machines you can request training with a staff member.

Food must remain at the food table near the fridge. Food and open beverage CANNOT be near any equipment or on any work surfaces. The shop fridge may be used for short-term food storage only.

Backpacks and any other personal belongings need to be stowed in the day lockers by the front of the room.

Everyone must leave the shop by 11pm. Last person out must complete and sign the “How to close up the shop check list.” These forms are located in the shop mailbox storage.
