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Elizabeth Wu, Guest Blogger, Part 2

Submitted by Katrina M Ernst on February 17, 2015 - 10:29am
Elizabeth Wu, drama major and director of Yellow Face
Elizabeth Wu, drama major and director of Yellow Face

Elizabeth Wu, a senior double majoring in drama and English, has written about her experience directing David Henry Hwang's Yellow Face for the Undergraduate Theater Society. In her second post on the UW Drama blog, she reflects on why she chose Yellow Face and why it is important to perform now.

"I never chose this story for its political statement. When I first read David Henry Hwang’s play, what truly caught my attention was the close bond between the story’s central protagonist and his father. Even more so, I was drawn in by their hopes for themselves and hopes for each other; it was their personalities, their jokes, their idiosyncrasies, and their belief in America that resonated with me.

"This production, as well as recent events, has taught me that the American Dream is not bias-free, or static. Rather, it is a political statement, one that history has subjected to every sort of racial profiling, bi-partisan hatred, terrorism, and ignorance. It was produced in the ever-adapting (and often unfair) political environment that the characters of Yellow Face navigate."

Read the full post on our blog.

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