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Organizations - Student Handbook


The Undergraduate Theater Society (UTS) is an organization of UW BA students. The UTS exists to provide undergraduate representation to the department and faculty and to encourage independent undergraduate theatrical projects by providing organizational and financial support.  For more information, visit the UTS website.

Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW): The University's association of students ‑ membership is voluntary for all students of the UW. Sponsors various activities and provides various support for students. For more information, visit their office (HUB 204L) or see their website at:

Drama BA Council is an elected student council of drama majors that meets with the Executive Director of the School of Drama and the Head(s) of the BA Program on a regular basis, to have a dialogue about student issues and concerns. All meetings are open.

Graduate and Professional Student Senate: GPSS serves as the representative body for the UW's graduate and professional students. Each graduate department is allowed to send two students to represent them in the Graduate Senate. If you would like information on becoming a senator, contact Sue Bruns or GPSS. For information about GPSS, you are encouraged to visit their office in the Student Union Building (300 HUB), call them at (206) 543‑8576 or see their website at
