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Job Description: Drama 201 TA

Course Name: Drama 201, Plays and Styles
Curricular Purpose Drama 201 instructors teach non-major and premajor students. Students in this course will read plays closely with special attention to structure and style, investigate the key ideas of major dramatic theories, and engage with performance traditions from a range of periods and geographies. They also learn how to read play texts for staging, by learning different approaches to script analysis based on a play's style and period.This course is a prerequisite for other Drama courses in theatre history, theory, and literature.


  • Prepare and conduct all lectures
  • Prepare overheads, handout materials and syllabus
  • Review literature
  • Order textbooks
  • Facilitate discussions
  • Prepare review materials
  • Hold regular office hours
  • Request or acquire necessary equipment
  • Manage and respond to course-related e-mail
  • Prepare test questions
  • Proctor exams
  • Score exams
  • Maintain grading records
  • Prepare and maintain course attendance records
  • Grade papers and projects
  • Maintain records on individual students’ assignment completion
  • Calculate quarter grades

Drama 201 TA

Assigned Course Drama 201, one section
Faculty member or supervisor to whom the ASE will report Odai Johnson, Scott Magelssen, Stefka Mihaylova
Procedures used for evaluation (if any)

During your appointment as a teaching assistant, you will be evaluated by the TA evaluator. This evaluation will be placed in your employee file - not your student file. You will receive a copy, and will have an opportunity to comment on the evaluation. It will then go to the Administrative office for processing. This processing includes a confirmation to the Graduate School that the evaluation has been done, but no copy of the actual evaluation will be forwarded to them.

If the evaluator concludes that the TA is not meeting departmental criteria for teaching competence, then s/he will work with the TA to determine a specific, written plan for addressing the TA’s teaching difficulties.

A TA should feel free at any time to give input to the observation process. Any appeal, should one feel the need to appeal the outcome of any decision based on the observation, should follow procedures outlined in Executive Order 28. This appeal would begin with contacting the Executive Director of the School.

Criteria to be used in the evaluation will include at least the following:
   effective use of class time
   organization of material
   engaging full class
   clear direction on assignments
Responsibilities to students
   office hours
   assignments returned in a timely manner
   teaching from the syllabus
   consistent grading
   understanding/enforcing University policy

Course meeting times and location Check with time schedule coordinator
The maximum number of students for which the ASE will be responsible Approximately 30
Office hours (if applicable) TBA by TA
Training programs (if applicable)
Work location See time schedule.  Office in Hutchinson 301
