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Lobby Talk: Consumed by Capitalism

Sunday, January 27, 2019 - 1:00pm to 1:30pm
The night shift at an Indiana glass factory, August 1908. Obtained from the Library of Congress, Corning Museum of Glass.
The night shift at an Indiana glass factory, August 1908. Obtained from the Library of Congress, Corning Museum of Glass.

Join Rutherford and Son Dramaturg and current UW Drama PhD student Shelby Lunderman for a brief-but-rich pre-show talk exploring how capitalism intersected with race, class, gender, and religion in late 19th century England, the setting of the play. Lunderman will also discuss the role of a dramaturg in a period production like this one, and what it meant for a female playwright to have a hit show in London in 1912. Coffee and cookies will be served! 

Shelby Lunderman is a doctoral student at the UW School of Drama. She received her MA in Theatre Studies from Florida State University and her BFA in Theatre Performance from Baylor University with a minor in Political Science. Not only has she taught drama-as-process courses in correctional facilities in both Texas and Florida, Shelby actively researches the relationship between prison and theatre through ethnography and archival research. She is currently interested in the ways in which performance, broadly-conceived, is used for activist purposes fighting against the Age of Mass Incarceration in the United States. In the School of Drama, Lunderman teaches Drama 101, Introduction to Theatre, and Drama 201, Plays and Styles.

This pre-show talk is free and open to the public. To purchase tickets for the 2:00 PM matinee performance of Rutherford and Son, please visit ArtsUW.

Please note that the on-site box office will open at 1:30 PM on Sunday 1/27 in order to avoid disruption during the lobby talk.

People Involved: 