This Spring, the School of Drama will present an original, gender-expansive* adaptation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet called Romeo and Jules. We are excited to invite all members of the campus community to participate in this production, regardless of their level of experience with theatre.
Auditions for will be held January 28th & 29th from 4 – 8 PM, and Wednesday January 30 from 10 – 11 AM, in Hutchinson Hall on the UW-Seattle campus. All UW students are invited to audition, regardless of acting experience or gender identity.
To learn more about this project and find out ways to be involved, visit our All About Romeo and Jules webpage.
*WHAT DOES "GENDER EXPANSIVE" MEAN? One of the goals of this production is to, in the words of adapter/director Geoff Korf, "crack open the 'binary-assumed' paradigm in our society." Because Romeo and Juliet is a play about feuds, factions, and youthful revolution, it lends itself really beautifully to our current cultural discourse around our evolving understanding of gender. "Gender expansive" here means that the adaptation and the production will hold space for the idea that not every character, or actor, must fit into a binary idea of gender. For example, in this production the character Jules, one of the two main characters, is a non-binary, gender neutral, or trans character, rather than a cisgender female character.