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Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
“Framing Violence in Interspecies Relations:  Encountering Flesh as Neoliberal Spatio-temporal Imaginary in The Portland Meat Collective," ASTR 2015, Portland Conferences 21st Century, Activist Theater, Aesthetics, Critical Theory, Popular Culture, Social Change, Visual Culture
"Has Theatre Ever Been Secular?", Panel Organizer and Respondent, Religion and Theatre Focus Group, ATHE 2015, Montreal Conferences Global and Transnational Studies, Religion, Social Change, Theory/Criticism
"Sovereign Bodies:  Excessive Materiality and the Performance of Dis-substantiation in the Formation of the Public Sphere," Mid-America Theatre Conference (2015) Conferences 17th Century, African American, Critical Theory, Ecocriticism, Global and Transnational Studies, Theater History
“Forced Entertainment’s Live Simulacrum: Automata, Liveness, and the Human Actor’s Virtuosity,” plenary, ASTR, Baltimore, 2014 Conferences 21st Century, English, Experimental, Radical Theater, Theory/Criticism
 “’A medium for informing persons:’ Kamishibai and Land Reform in Allied Occupied Japan” Mid-America Theatre Conference. Cleveland, Ohio, March 6-9, 2014. Conferences Japanese, Theater History
Adcock-Starr, Leah.  (April 2014). "B.F.F.’s and the Bard: Reclaiming the Importance of Female Friendship in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream".  Paper presented at Shakespeare 450: Societe Francaise Shakespeare.  Paris, France. Conferences Directing, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Shakespeare
“近松の心中物と民間信仰ー年忌供養と回向を中心に (Chikamatsu’s Love Suicide Plays and Popular Belief – An Examination of Death Anniversaries and Memorial Prayers).” Paper presentation in Japanese. 早稲田大学演劇映像学会 (Waseda University’s Conference on Theatre and Film). Tokyo. July, 2014. Conferences 18th Century, Japanese, Religion, Theater History
Judith Shahn is a board member of the Voice and Speech Trainers Association and attended the London conference at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama Conferences Devised Work, Music, Performance Studies, Singing, Speech, Voice
Keynote Address, "Staging American Memories," Toulouse, France. Conferences American, Theater History
 “The Politics and Aesthetics of Play:  The Wartburg Book-Burning and Hellenic Masculinity in the Construction of the German Nation,” (Re)Presenting Archives, University of British Columbia, April, 2014 Conferences 18th Century, 19th Century, Aesthetics, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, German, Popular Culture, Race and Ethnicity, Theater History
"'Better to burn': The Stage, the Church, and the Construction of Woman in Late Fourth Century Antioch," Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), Religion and Theatre Debut Panel, July, 2014 Conferences Ancient, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Popular Culture, Religion, Theater History, Theory/Criticism
"The Matter of the Heart:  Vesalius, Vivisection, and the Mediation of Print," What Performs? The American Society for Theatre Research, Animals Perform Working Session, November, 2014 Conferences 16th Century, Italian, Popular Culture, Reception Studies, Science and Technology
"Layers of Mourning: Ghosting in Chikamatsu's Love Suicide Plays," Asian Studies Conference Japan. Tokyo. June 2014. Conferences 18th Century, Japanese
"University of Washington Students' Work Related to Women of Sand." SW/TX Popular/American Culture. Albuquerque, NM. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
“The Reclamation of Angst and Self in These Streets: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Story.” University of British Columbia Graduate Symposium. Vancouver, B.C. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
“The Women of Grunge (Re)membered.” Mid America Theatre Conference Annual Meeting. Cleveland, OH. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Drowning Playwrights, and Other State Incursions into Genre," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #25. Conferences Critical Theory
"Revising the National Theater Narrative of 18th-Century Germany," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #21. Conferences Critical Theory
"Spectacular Performance in Cuzco, Peru: Indigenismo and the Restor(y)ation of Andean Culture," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #19. Conferences Critical Theory
"Awe and Wonder Putting on a Show: The Anitkythera Mechanism and the Look of the 1st Century B.C.E.," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #18. Conferences Critical Theory
"The Behzti Riot: Revising the Narrative of Post-Wold War II Radical Theatre in Biew of Non-Leftist Performance," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #13. Conferences Critical Theory
"Larger than Life: Displacing History at Oklahoma's Centennial Land Run Monument," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #8 Conferences Critical Theory
"Reenactment and Reinvention: Diasporic Performances of Culture in Cleveland," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #7 Conferences Critical Theory
“These Streets: How Theater and Memory Fuse to Revise Grunge History,” Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #3 Conferences Critical Theory
"The Private vs. Public Death of a Patriarch in 'All My Sons' and 'August: Osage County,'" ATDS, Comparative Drama Conference, 'Revealing Patriarch: Cruelty, Corruption, and Death in Contemporary U.S. Drama' Panel, Baltimore, MD, April 2013. Conferences American, Playwriting

