“Framing Violence in Interspecies Relations: Encountering Flesh as Neoliberal Spatio-temporal Imaginary in The Portland Meat Collective," ASTR 2015, Portland |
Conferences |
21st Century, Activist Theater, Aesthetics, Critical Theory, Popular Culture, Social Change, Visual Culture |
"Has Theatre Ever Been Secular?", Panel Organizer and Respondent, Religion and Theatre Focus Group, ATHE 2015, Montreal |
Conferences |
Global and Transnational Studies, Religion, Social Change, Theory/Criticism |
"Sovereign Bodies: Excessive Materiality and the Performance of Dis-substantiation in the Formation of the Public Sphere," Mid-America Theatre Conference (2015) |
Conferences |
17th Century, African American, Critical Theory, Ecocriticism, Global and Transnational Studies, Theater History |
“Forced Entertainment’s Live Simulacrum: Automata, Liveness, and the Human Actor’s Virtuosity,” plenary, ASTR, Baltimore, 2014 |
Conferences |
21st Century, English, Experimental, Radical Theater, Theory/Criticism |
“’A medium for informing persons:’ Kamishibai and Land Reform in Allied Occupied Japan” Mid-America Theatre Conference. Cleveland, Ohio, March 6-9, 2014. |
Conferences |
Japanese, Theater History |
Adcock-Starr, Leah. (April 2014). "B.F.F.’s and the Bard: Reclaiming the Importance of Female Friendship in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream". Paper presented at Shakespeare 450: Societe Francaise Shakespeare. Paris, France. |
Conferences |
Directing, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Shakespeare |
“近松の心中物と民間信仰ー年忌供養と回向を中心に (Chikamatsu’s Love Suicide Plays and Popular Belief – An Examination of Death Anniversaries and Memorial Prayers).” Paper presentation in Japanese. 早稲田大学演劇映像学会 (Waseda University’s Conference on Theatre and Film). Tokyo. July, 2014. |
Conferences |
18th Century, Japanese, Religion, Theater History |
Judith Shahn is a board member of the Voice and Speech Trainers Association and attended the London conference at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama |
Conferences |
Devised Work, Music, Performance Studies, Singing, Speech, Voice |
Keynote Address, "Staging American Memories," Toulouse, France. |
Conferences |
American, Theater History |
“The Politics and Aesthetics of Play: The Wartburg Book-Burning and Hellenic Masculinity in the Construction of the German Nation,” (Re)Presenting Archives, University of British Columbia, April, 2014 |
Conferences |
18th Century, 19th Century, Aesthetics, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, German, Popular Culture, Race and Ethnicity, Theater History |
"'Better to burn': The Stage, the Church, and the Construction of Woman in Late Fourth Century Antioch," Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), Religion and Theatre Debut Panel, July, 2014 |
Conferences |
Ancient, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Popular Culture, Religion, Theater History, Theory/Criticism |
"The Matter of the Heart: Vesalius, Vivisection, and the Mediation of Print," What Performs? The American Society for Theatre Research, Animals Perform Working Session, November, 2014 |
Conferences |
16th Century, Italian, Popular Culture, Reception Studies, Science and Technology |
"Layers of Mourning: Ghosting in Chikamatsu's Love Suicide Plays," Asian Studies Conference Japan. Tokyo. June 2014. |
Conferences |
18th Century, Japanese |
"University of Washington Students' Work Related to Women of Sand." SW/TX Popular/American Culture. Albuquerque, NM. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
“The Reclamation of Angst and Self in These Streets: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Story.” University of British Columbia Graduate Symposium. Vancouver, B.C. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
“The Women of Grunge (Re)membered.” Mid America Theatre Conference Annual Meeting. Cleveland, OH. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Drowning Playwrights, and Other State Incursions into Genre," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #25. |
Conferences |
Critical Theory |
"Revising the National Theater Narrative of 18th-Century Germany," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #21. |
Conferences |
Critical Theory |
"Spectacular Performance in Cuzco, Peru: Indigenismo and the Restor(y)ation of Andean Culture," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #19. |
Conferences |
Critical Theory |
"Awe and Wonder Putting on a Show: The Anitkythera Mechanism and the Look of the 1st Century B.C.E.," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #18. |
Conferences |
Critical Theory |
"The Behzti Riot: Revising the Narrative of Post-Wold War II Radical Theatre in Biew of Non-Leftist Performance," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #13. |
Conferences |
Critical Theory |
"Larger than Life: Displacing History at Oklahoma's Centennial Land Run Monument," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #8 |
Conferences |
Critical Theory |
"Reenactment and Reinvention: Diasporic Performances of Culture in Cleveland," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #7 |
Conferences |
Critical Theory |
“These Streets: How Theater and Memory Fuse to Revise Grunge History,” Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #3 |
Conferences |
Critical Theory |
"The Private vs. Public Death of a Patriarch in 'All My Sons' and 'August: Osage County,'" ATDS, Comparative Drama Conference, 'Revealing Patriarch: Cruelty, Corruption, and Death in Contemporary U.S. Drama' Panel, Baltimore, MD, April 2013. |
Conferences |
American, Playwriting |