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Core Requirements - BA Degree in Drama Design

Admission to drama major status requires completion of Drama 201.  A student must receive 2.50 or higher for the  course.  Intended drama majors must meet with the Drama Advisor and add their name to the intended majors list.

Drama Majors who fall below a 2.00 GPA in Drama courses will be placed on probation for one quarter. If the student does not raise the GPA to a 2.00 after that time, he or she will be dropped from the major and returned to pre-major status. Students dropped may petition the School of Drama for readmission.

Undergraduate majors are required to take a core of theater performance, history/theory, and design and technical courses plus drama electives at the 300-400 level.  The student must also satisfy the General Education requirements established by the College of Arts and Sciences. Awarding the BA degree requires a minimum of 180 credits and a minimum 2.00 grade-point average.

While we strongly prefer that students take the theatre history sequence in order, it is not required. We also recognize that there are special circumstances that prevent taking a course in the theatre history sequence, including transfer students, double majors, study abroad conflicts, etc. In this situation, a student may petition to substitute another course from the College of Arts and Sciences. A student must submit the undergraduate course petition and a copy of the proposed course syllabus to the academic advisor who will discuss the substitution with the Head of the BA Program.


Acting: (5 credits)
Drama 251 Beginning Acting (5 )

Design: (10 credits)
Drama 221 (visual narrative in performance) (5)
Drama 222 (tools of composition in theatrical design) (5)

Running Crews (6 credits)
Drama 290 Theater Technical Practice Lab (1-3)*
Drama 291 Theater Technical Practice Lab (1-3)*
Drama 292 Theater Technical Practice Lab (1-3)*

Theater History, Dramatic Literature & Criticism (25 credits)
Drama 201 Plays and Styles (5) 
Drama 302 Critical Analysis of Theater (5)
Drama 371 Theater History 1 (5)
Drama 372 Theater History 2 (5)
Drama 373 Theater History 3 (5)

One Additional Drama History Course, must be course from this list:
Drama 365 Diverse Voices in Performance (5)
Drama 416 History of Style - Dress, Architecture and Functional Decor (5)
Drama 494 Special Studies in Theatre & Drama (5)

Additional Drama Design Requirements

One Course from (3-4 credits)
Drama 213 (sound design) (4)
Drama 319 Projection Design in Performance (4)
Drama 414 Scene Design (3)
Drama 415 Stage Costume Design (3)
Drama 419 Advanced Stage Lighting Design (3)

One course from: (2-5 credits)
Drama 316 Theatrical Makeup (2)
Drama 317 Introduction to Costume Construction (2-5)
Drama 416 History of Style - Dress, Architecture and Functional Decor (5)
Drama 417 Stage Costume Patterning and Construction (3)
Drama 418 Scene Painting (3)
Drama 420 Design and Technical Drafting (2)
Drama 421 Drawing for Theater (2)

2 credits from:
Drama 391 or Drama 466

In addition to requirements above, 6 Elective Credits
Drama 351 Intermediate Acting-Scene Study (4)
Drama 352 Intermediate Acting-Verse (4)
Drama 353 Intermediate Acting-Production (4)
Drama 365 Diverse Voices in Performance (5)
Drama 391 Beginning Technical Practices (1-3)
Drama 406 Digital Cinema Production (3-5)
Drama 407 Documentary in Performance (5)
Drama 410 Advanced Theater Technical Practices (2-4)
Drama 413 Advanced Scene Construction (3)
Drama 416 History of Style - Dress, Architecture and Functional Decors (5)
Drama 441 Beginning Playwriting (1-6)
Drama 451 Advanced Acting-Production (4)
Drama 452 Advanced Acting-Scene Study (4)
Drama 453 Advanced Acting-Physical Training (4)
Drama 454 Projects in Acting (3)
Drama 455 Alexander Technique (3)
Drama 456 Topics in Theater for Youth (3-5)
Drama 457 Creating Drama (3-5)
Drama 460 Introduction to Directing (4)
Drama 461 Elementary Directing (4)
Drama 462 Elementary Directing (4)
Drama 466 Stage Management
Drama 490 Special Studies in Acting-Directing (1-6)
Drama 491 Special Studies in Design-Technical (1-6)
Drama 493 Drama Internship (1-6)
Drama 495 Practicum in Design and Technical Theater (2-6)
Drama 496 Stage Costume Problems (2)
Drama 498 Theater Production (1-2)
Drama 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5)

Total drama credits required for graduation: minimum 64 credits

Last revised June 28, 2021


BA Drama Design Option Requirements (PDF)

BA Drama Production Option Requirements prior to autumn 2013 (PDF)
