Village Theater's Brandon Ivie (UW Drama alum) and Jessica Spencer will teach this workshop on mock auditions specifically focused on musical theater and audition songs! Presentation slots will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis and performers will receive critical feedback regarding presentation, interpretation, technical skills and guidance on type. Brandon and Jess will also discuss strategies to help you feel successful and confidence during entire audition process, brand presentation, transparent communication and open the convo up for questions from you regarding any and all audition/getting the job curiosities.
To sign up for an audition slot, please contact You will need two audition cuts of contrasting songs from the musical theater cannon from your book that you feel are audition ready! (Please no audition cuts that are new to you for this clinic)
This clinic is free and open to all UW students
"Performance slots first-come, first serve. Comprehensive coaching on music, presentation, and type."