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MFA Directing Reading List

Reading List for Incoming Directors

Ball, William A Sense of Direction
Bayles & Orland Art & Fear
Bogart, Anne A Director Prepares
Brook, Peter The Empty Space
The Open Door
Chekhov, Michael On the Technique of Acting
Lessons for the Professional Actor
Clurman, Harold On Directing
Cole, Susan Directors in Rehearsal
Cole and Chinoy, ed. Directors on Directing
Dean and Carra Fundamentals of Play Directing (Chapters 7 & 8)
Dixon & Smith, ed. Anne Bogart: Viewpoints
Gallwey, W. Timothy The Inner Game of Tennis
Gorchakov, Nikolai M. Stanislavsky Directs
Herrigel, Eugen Zen in the Art of Archery
Jones, Robert Edmund The Dramatic Imagination
Jory, Jon Tips: Ideas for Directors
Smith, Wendy Real Life Drama: The Group Theatre and America, 1931-1940


