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The Daily Goes Behind-the-Scenes of Once Upon a Weekend

Submitted by Katrina M Ernst on January 14, 2015 - 3:52pm

Over the period of three days, January 8-10, the BA Council hosted its second Once Upon a Weekend of the academic year. The Daily went behind-the-scenes of the BA Council’s now twice-yearly event, giving us all a good reason to check it out next time it rolls into the Cab.

Once Upon a Weekend starts with a call for writers, directors, and actors. Four or five writers are selected. On Thursday morning, the writers are given a visual prompt. They have till Friday morning to write a 5-minute play. Actors and directors receive the completed scripts on Friday night and have just over 24-hours to rehearse and tech their play for a Saturday night performance.

Elizabeth Wu, a senior double majoring in drama and creative writing and a member of the BA Council, explains in The Daily’s article that Once Upon a Weekend “is a low-key, low-risk way of just getting their feet wet in the [drama] department.” Participation is open to any undergrad interested in theatre.

Read the full article here.
