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Elizabeth Wu, Guest Blogger

Submitted by Katrina M Ernst on January 20, 2015 - 10:05am
Elizabeth Wu, drama major and director of Yellow Face
Elizabeth Wu, drama major and director of Yellow Face

Elizabeth Wu, a senior double majoring in drama and English, has written about her experience directing David Henry Hwang's Yellow Face for the Undergraduate Theater Society. In her first post on the UW Drama blog, she reflects on facing her fear in the rehearsal room.

"The best gift I have given myself so far during this process is the acceptance of my own fear. No one could have prepared me for the terror that comes with being a first-time director. I was a bundle of nerves the day I met David in Brooklyn, my anxiety was through the roof when I began production meetings with my design team, and when the eight wonderful undergraduate actors I had cast for the show stared at me from across the table at our first read through all I could think was: What am I doing here? Who the hell put me in charge of these people?"

Read the full post over here.

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