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Alumni News—May 2015

Submitted by Katrina M Ernst on May 19, 2015 - 10:00am
Lenne Klingaman in "Tartuffe" at The Shakespeare Theatre DC.
Lenne Klingaman in "Tartuffe" at The Shakespeare Theatre DC.

Lenne Klingaman (PATP '07) (pictured) is Mariane in Moliere's Tartuffe at The Shakespeare Theatre DC. Lenne is also working on completing her first debut album, The Heart is the Hunter. Learn more and support her album on Kickstarter.

Frank Butler (MFA '85) is the lighting designer for Juno and the Paycock at the Guthrie Theatre, running May 23–June 28.

Amy Rose Marsh (BA '05) was recently promoted to Literary Director at Samuel French.

Czerton Lim (MFA' 06) is the scenic designer for The Diary of Anne Frank directed by Artistic Director Jeremy Winchester (MFA '06) at Flint Youth Theatre in Michigan.

Tlaloc Rivas (MFA '99) wrote and is directing the world premiere of Johanna Facing Forward at Cleveland Public Theatre, running May 28–June 13.

Matthew Smucker (MFA '02) was nominated for a Stranger Genius Award in performance.

Robert Bergin (PATP '12)Jim Gall (PATP '92)Jocelyn Maher (BA '13), and Joshua Ryder (BA '09) star in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five at Book-It, opening June 9 and running through July 3.

Recent grad Leah Adcock-Starr (MFA '15) directs an all-female cast of Hamlet at Theatre Unbound in Minneapolis, running through May 31.
