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Dr. Bryant-Bertail was an Associate Professor Emerita of theory and criticism at the UW School of Drama from 1990 - 2011. She was also an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Scandinavian Studies. She passed away April 13, 2021.
Dr. Bryant-Bertail earned a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in Comparative Literature with an emphasis on modern European theater and critical theory. She also studied theatre at the Sorbonne in Paris and the Akademie der Kuenste in Berlin. Her book Space and Time in Epic Theater: The Brechtian Legacy was published in 2000. Her essays on European and American theater performance, semiotics, feminism, and intercultural theater appear in Theatre Journal, Theatre Research International, Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, Assaph, Theatre Studies, Journal of Kafka Studies and in the anthologies Brecht Yearbook, Strindberg's Dramaturgy, In Collaboration: le Theatre du Soleil: A Sourcebook, The Performance of Power, The Cambridge Guide to Women's Writing in English, Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance, Essays on 20th-Century German Drama, and Perspectives on Teaching Theatre. Besides the University of Washington, she has also taught at the University of South Carolina and Trinity College Dublin.