Chair of Performing Arts, Dallas College
PhD, Theatre History, Theory, and Criticism
Class of 2021

Contact Information
Fields of Interest
P.h.D., Theatre History, Theory, and Criticism, University of Washington
M.A., Theatre, Oklahoma State University
B.A., English with minor in Philosophy, CUNY-Hunter College
B.F.A., Drama, University of Oklahoma, Summa Cum Laude
Research & Creative Work
Representative Research
Venters, Scott. The (Im)mediate Animal: An Anti-theatrical History of Interspecies Entanglements in Enlightenment Transactions, 1640-1800. 2021. University of Washington, PhD dissertation.
Adviser: Odai Johnson
- Scott Venters, "'Better to burn': The Prima Mimarum and Political Friction in Fourth-Century Antioch," Theatre Journal (March, 2018).
- "'Would you die for the Fatherland?': Disciplining the German Commemorative Body," Theatre History Studies 35 (2016): 39-72.
- "'The ransome of Prides fury': The Executions as the Hope Bear-Garden and the (De)Mythologization of the English Commonwealth." New England Theatre Journal 26 (2015): 1-20.
- Beeston's Boys and Negotiations of Sovereignty in Late Caroline Drama, Master's Thesis, Oklahoma State University, 2012; Maria Beach, Advisor
- “Shiva in America: Frontiers of Destruction.” New Plains Review 7.2 (2007): 73-76.
- Scott Venters, “Embodiment and Ontological Fragility in the Fabrication of Early Royal Society Taxa,” in Identity, Culture, and the Science of Performance: From the Lab to the Streets, eds. Vivian Appler and Merdith Conti (Bloomsbury, 2022 – Forthcoming)
Representative Conferences
- “Arousing the Empathic Gendered Subject: Transpecies Domesticity and Sentient Spectacles in the Early Enlightenment,” Animal Engagements, ASTR Forum, La Jolla, CA, November, 2018.
- "The Revelation of the Sensible: Theatre and Science in Seventeenth-Century Revolutionary England," ATHE, Boston, August, 2018
- "Beyond Hybrid Bodies in the Early Enlightenment Laboratory: Epistemological Formations as Interspecies Constitutions," From the Curious to the Quantum Working Group, ASTR, Atlanta, November, 2017
- "(Gestural Ontologies): Simian Sociality in the Production of Early Modern Universals," Living with Animals, EKU, Richmond, March, 2017
- "(Gestural Ontologies): Simian Sociality in the Production of Early Modern Universals," Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC), Houston, March, 2017
- "The Violent Spatializing of Time: Colonizing Utopian Imaginaries in Seventeenth-Century Barbados," International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, 2016.
- "DADA’s Queer Ontologies: Tzara, Ball, and Pluriversal Politics at Cabaret Voltaire," Mid-America Theatre Conference, March 2016
- “Framing Violence in Interspecies Relations: Encountering Flesh as Neoliberal Spatio-temporal Imaginary in The Portland Meat Collective," ASTR 2015, Portland
- “Framing Violence in Interspecies Relations: Encountering Flesh as Neoliberal Spatio-temporal Imaginary in The Portland Meat Collective," ASTR 2015, Portland
- "Has Theatre Ever Been Secular?", Panel Organizer and Respondent, Religion and Theatre Focus Group, ATHE 2015, Montreal
- "Sovereign Bodies: Excessive Materiality and the Performance of Dis-substantiation in the Formation of the Public Sphere," Mid-America Theatre Conference (2015)
- “The Politics and Aesthetics of Play: The Wartburg Book-Burning and Hellenic Masculinity in the Construction of the German Nation,” (Re)Presenting Archives, University of British Columbia, April, 2014
- "'Better to burn': The Stage, the Church, and the Construction of Woman in Late Fourth Century Antioch," Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), Religion and Theatre Debut Panel, July, 2014
- "The Matter of the Heart: Vesalius, Vivisection, and the Mediation of Print," What Performs? The American Society for Theatre Research, Animals Perform Working Session, November, 2014
- "Larger than Life: Displacing History at Oklahoma's Centennial Land Run Monument," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #8
- “‘The ransome of Prides fury’: The Executions at the Hope Bear-Garden and the (De)Mythologization of the English Commonwealth,” Mid America Theatre Conference (MATC), March, 2013
- “Unborn Narratives of Time and Subjective Enunciation in Soyinka’s Death and the King’s Horseman,” Frontiers and Borders, Oklahoma State University, March, 2012
- “Tamburlaine and Sublime Auto-Generation: A Lexical Geography of the Senecan Womb,” Renaissance Ethics Symposium, Yale University, October, 2010
- “Restoration Sociability and the Post-Revolutionary National Imaginary in Dryden’s Essay of Dramatick Poesie,” ATHE, Orlando, FL, August, 2019
Courses Taught
Spring 2016
Winter 2016
Autumn 2015
Winter 2015
Autumn 2014
Spring 2014
Winter 2014
Autumn 2013
Summer 2013 Full-term
Additional Courses
Autumn 2016, CHID 250 B: Special Topics: Manufacturing the Human
Resources & Related Links
Professional Affiliations:
American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR), Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC), Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), Actors' Equity, SAG-AFTRA, Early Modern Conversions
Affiliated Departments: