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Alumni News

Submitted by Arts & Sciences Web Team on April 1, 2014 - 10:00am
Production of The Importance of Being Earnest
Seattle Shakespeare Company's 2014 production of The Importance of Being Earnest with costumes by Melanie Burgess. Photo by John Ulman.

From March 6-9, several of our PhD alumni participated at the Mid-America Theatre Conference in Cleveland, OH, including Lisa Jackson-Schebetta (PhD 2010, Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh) who co-chaired the Theatre History Symposium, and Tamara Underiner (PhD 1997, Associate Dean for Research at the Herberg Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State University) who served as the Theatre History Respondent.

Lydia Fort (MFA Directing, 2006) was named the new Executive Artistic Director of Mo'olelo Performing Arts CompanyMelanie Burgess (MFA Design, 2002) designed the costumes for two spring productions at Seattle Shakespeare Company - The Importance of Being Earnest and King LearQuinlan Corbett (PATP, 2008) is starring in the world premiere of Eduardo Machado's Worship at Theater for the New City. And Tommy Smith's (BA, 2001) Fireman at Echo Theatre Company just wrapped to rave reviews. The LA Times called the play, "Masterful, mesmerizing...Smith has gift for exposing dark truths with seemingly superficial dialogue; his take on middle age as a developmental stage rivaling adolescence in its confusion seems right on the money.” 
