Assistant Professor, Yeditepe University
Class of 2017

Contact Information
Fields of Interest
Research & Creative Work
Representative Research
Karlidag, Bahar. Workers' Theatre Movement conventions as shaping/informing conditions in the theatrical collaboration of Joan Littlewood and Ewan MacColl and beyond: in Littlewood's success. 2017. University of Washington, PhD dissertation.
Adviser: Stefka Mihaylova
- Essay, "Bir Biçim Polemiği: Fredric Jameson’ın Marksizm ve Form eseri ışığında Brecht-Lukacs tartışması ve Üç Kuruşluk Opera eseri üzerinde bir uygulama.” Septet Interdiscipliary Journal for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Vol 2. June 2012.
- Theatre Review, “Grotowski Tiyatrosu ve Düsündükleri; Grotowski Bulusmasi”, in Oyun, a quarterly theatre and performance periodical, issue no. 3, 2010, p. 54-60; 71-80.
- Theatre Review, “Hotel Pro Forma”, 2008 Sanat Dünyamiz. Güz 2008 -108th issue Yapi Kredi Kültür Yayincilik, p. 8-10, and in the 15th issue of Mimesis, in the 2008 Istanbul Theatre Festival dossier.
- Theatre Review, “Birinci ÇGSG Sahne Sanatlari Bulusmasinin Ardindan...”, Tiyatro Tiyatro, July 2007, on the contributing performances at the first convention of the contemporary performance arts in Istanbul between May 22nd and June 3rd.
- Book translation, Sehirler, published in December 2007, by Yapi Kredi Kültür Yayincilik: Reader, John. 2004. Cities London: William Heinemann. Citation for my translation: Reader, John. Sehirler. trans. F. Bahar Karlidag. Istanbul: YKY, 2007.
- Theatre Review, “Tek Kisilik Sehir”, E, April 2003, p.49-50 on Behiç Ak’s play performed and produced by Aksanat Prodüksiyon Tiyatrosu, directed by Isil Kasapoglu.
- Theatre Review, “Önemli Seyler Oluyor”, E, August 2003, p. 52-54 on Pina Bausch’s Istanbul Project performed in June 2003, also including introductory notes to the Workcenter’s above-mentioned projects as forth-coming event.
- Theatre Review, “Aksiyon ve Performans”, E, October 2003, p. 68-70, on the projects and performances of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards Workcenter held in Istanbul in August 2003.
- Translation, “Gerçekçilik” from “The Introduction/Realism” in Richard Ellman & Fiedelson, Charles, Jr, Eds. The Modern Tradition: Backgrounds of Modern Literature, New York: Oxford University Press, 1965, as appeared in E, November 2003, p.50-54.
- Translation, “Siirde Düsüncenin Rolü – Siir, Dil ve Düsünce”, “Role of Thought in Poetry, Poetry, Language and Thought”, Paul Valery, in Richard Ellmand & Fiedelson, Charles, Jr, Eds. The Modern Tradition: Backgrounds of Modern Literature, New York: Oxford University Press, 1965, as appeared in E, August 2003, p. 56-62.
- Translation, “Sembolizm” from “The Introduction/Symbolism” in Richard Ellman & Fiedelson, Charles, Jr, Eds. The Modern Tradition: Backgrounds of Modern Literature. New York:Oxford University Press. 1965 as appeared in E, June 2003, p.78-84.
- Book Review, Zehra Ipsiroglu, Gençler Için Nazim Hikmet Oyunlari. E, May 2003, p. 9
Representative Conferences
- International Federation for Theatre Research, "Conversations with a silenced past and current oppressions: a film-set activism of Turkish unions"Part of the panel: Political Performances,Performing the Past in Prison Theatre / Archive, Space and Resistance
- "Taksim Square, Squared," You Are Here: The Post-Thematic Conference, The American Society for Theatre Research, November 2013.
Courses Taught
Summer 2016 Full-term
Spring 2015
Winter 2015
Autumn 2014
Professional Affiliations:
News & Press
Related News
- UW Rocks ASTR - January 14, 2014
- Welcome Fulbright Scholars - June 3, 2013