- Autumn 2019
Meeting Time:
TTh 11:30am - 1:20pm
THO 119
Syllabus Description:
Courage as the ability to move through fear rather than becoming paralyzed by it. Examines sources of fear and obstacles that keep us from becoming our fullest, most human, most successful selves. Aimed at developing, demonstrating, and exercising both courage and leadership's other critical skills: connecting and communicating.
Other info:
Courage and Leadership are core skills for success. If students can master the techniques for moving beyond their comfort zones and develop a willingness to accept challenges, they will be setting themselves up for success in every field of endeavor.
Learning objectives:
- Define Courage and Leadership.
- Strengthen the impulse to exercise courage.
- Identify challenges to leadership.
- Create strategies for moving through anxiety and fear.
- Develop confidence in their ability to forward despite anxiety and fear.
- Exercise compassion and self-awareness in difficult circumstances.
- Improve ability to engage and navigate difficult conversations.
- Create a one-year plan for personal growth.
This class is open to any UW undergrad student.
Catalog Description:
Courage as the ability to move through fear rather than becoming paralyzed by it. Examines sources of fear and obstacles that keep us from becoming our fullest, most human, most successful selves. Aimed at developing, demonstrating, and exercising both courage and leadership's other critical skills: connecting and communicating.
Last updated:
March 24, 2020 - 9:12pm