- Autumn 2021
Syllabus Description:
Drama 441 Beginning Playwriting
Course Description
Beginning Playwriting is a course where we explore writing for the theatre by reading, watching, developing, writing, and discussing plays. We will unpack the art and craft of dramatic writing with a particular focus on process, including: action, character, and dialogue. We will deepen our understanding of these components by completing and workshopping writing assignments, providing and receiving productive and empathetic feedback, reading the work of contemporary playwrights, and seeing productions. The course requirements, instructor, and your peers will provide the support, structure, accountability, and community that all writers need to create their best work. The final project of the course consists of two components: (1) a script treatment, which is a document that maps out the entire story idea of the play before you begin writing and (2) a fully developed scene from the play.
Instructor: Nikki Yeboah
Class schedule: M/W 3:00pm - 4:50pm (PST)
Fall Quarter 2021 Course Syllabus
Email: nyeboa@uw.edu
Zoom Office Hours: Tues. 10-10:30 (PST) and by appointment
Here's a link to a full syllabus!
Here's a link to my office hours (Tues. 10-10:30)!
This class will be mostly in person but sometimes hybrid, meaning on some days we will hold it online. When we do, here's the link you'll be using to join class. THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS IS IN PERSON. LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU MASK-TO-MASK!
Required Text and Materials:
Goldfinger, Jacqueline. Playwriting with Purpose: A Guide and Workbook for New Playwrights (Routledge Publishing Group; 2021). (Available On Canvas)
Dramatic Texts: (Available for purchase online/bookstore/library)
How I Learned to Drive by Paula Vogel
Hamilton by Lin Manuel Miranda
The Thanksgiving Play by Larissa FastHorse
Ruined by Lynn Nottage
Slave Play by Jeremy O. Harris
Free scriptwriting software options:
Preferred Option: WriterDuet
Other Options:
Causality (Curious about this one)
Additional readings and resources will be available on the course’s Canvas site; in addition, you will be asked to provide electronic and hard copies of your work for reading purposes.
List of Submissions (in order of deadlines)
10/8 Character Profiles (10 points)
10/15 One-Page Critical Statement (10 points)
11/05 Plot Outline (15 points)
12/3 Scene Draft (10 points)
12/10 Final Project (25 points)
TBA Public Reading (4 points)
Ongoing Collaboration/Participation (8 points)
Ongoing Pre-Class Exercises (8 points)
Ongoing Timed In-Class Reflections (10 points)