Presence: Voice, Speech, and Persona for Public Professionals
- Summer 2016
Additional Details:
Hardly a profession across the campus does not, at some point, meet the public. Whether this occurs in classrooms, boardrooms, or courtrooms, routinely or occasionally, they offer brief and valuable moments to present ideas, products, positions, and people. No idea, product, or argument can find a public without a spokesperson. Becoming a speaker of ideas is what this course offers. This course uses performance techniques of voice, movement, and presence, to develop greater authenticity for any speaker in any public forum. The course is designed for a broad population across the campus as well as within the host department. As its emphasis is on delivery not content, the techniques are available to students in the business school as well the as arts, in science and in marketing, to any student in any field whose ideas would find a wider audience with improved speaking and presentation skills. Making better speakers doesn’t make better science, or better products, but it does make science and products more accessible. 4 credits.