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Christopher Goodson

Instructor, Seattle Academy
Class of 2017
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Christopher Goodson is a PhD Candidate in the University of Washington’s program for Theater History, Theory, and Criticism in Seattle. At UW Chris has received the Michael Quinn Award for excellence in graduate writing, as well as a recent travel grant from the Barry Witham Endowment for graduate research. Christopher is currently investigating contemporary, experimental performance that mediates issues of undocumentedness and transnationalism.

Chris holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in acting from Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle and an MA in Theater Arts from California State University, Los Angeles, where he received the Lawrence P. Goodman Award in graduate theater studies.

As a performer and playwright, Chris co-founded the experimental performance group Piece of Meat Theatre. As an actor, Chris has performed at the Edinburgh fringe festival, REDCAT and Circle X in Los Angeles and Theater for the New City in NY.


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Professional Affiliations: 
American Society of Theatre Research

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