An extensive list of Production, Academic & Administrative Policies are located at:
Some particular policies are included below, but this list is not intended to be complete.
Attendance and punctuality for all classes, crew assignments and performance calls is mandatory. Attendance is understood to be an individual’s presence and full participation for the entire time period assigned to the session. Punctuality involves sufficient time to be dressed in appropriate attire, with proper equipment, warmed-up and ready to engage fully in the activity at the beginning of the session. The School of Drama fully supports the attendance and punctuality policies listed in all faculty and staff course syllabi. Students should know and conform to the policies stated in their course syllabi. While serious illness or injury may excuse a student from a session, excessive absences or lateness will call attention to the students’ ability to keep pace with the training. If, in the opinion of a faculty member or members, a student has recorded excessive absences, the faculty and staff of the student’s option reserve the right to determine future participation in the program.
There are no excusable absences from morning classes due to late night work on productions.
The School of Drama presents a variety of "mainstage" and studio productions each year. To help distinguish between the acronyms, here are basic guidelines and audition information.
- PATP ‑ (mainstage) directed by faculty, visiting directors, or third-year MFA Directing students; auditions are primarily restricted to PATP students and occasionally undergraduates; performed for 2 weeks in the Playhouse, Studio, or Penthouse Theatre.
- BA ‑ (mainstage) directed by faculty or visiting directors; auditions are open to all University undergraduate students, with priority given to Drama majors; performed for 2 weeks in the Playhouse, Studio, or Penthouse Theatre.
- Directing 2nd Year ‑ (mainstage) directed by 2nd year MFA directing students; auditions are open to all University students; performed for 2 weeks in Playhouse, Studio, or Penthouse Theatre.
- Directing Projects ‑ directed by MFA directing students; auditions are open to all - University students and outside people; performed for 3 to 4 evenings, usually in HUT 218. Graduate students in the directing program present one project each quarter. Depending on the length of the piece, the projects usually involve three or four weeks of rehearsal. The maximum weekly hours of rehearsal are limited to 22 hours.
- Other ‑ throughout the year there are also a variety of Cabaret projects and undergraduate directing scenes that are cast from the general student pool. Audition notices are posted on the callboard and via e-mail. Prepared material is usually required.
CASTING POLICY (Memo No. 9, Revised October 2002):
A second paragraph in the answer.
The faculty is committed to the growth of each actor and director in the program in all aspects of their development. As much as is possible we provide opportunities for actors to be cast in a variety of plays and roles. These same opportunities do not necessarily translate into equitable results. Every effort is made to give each actor in the program opportunities to play a wide range and size of roles. However, it is unrealistic to assume everyone will get to play a lead role while in the program. No casting process exists that can be regarded as fair or desirable to everyone in the casting pool. There is often disappointment, sometimes extremely so, in not getting a desired role or a role of a certain size or significance. This has always been an unfortunate fact of life in the theatre and even though the PATP continues to create more casting opportunities, there can be no guarantees about the size or nature of a role any actor will play while enrolled in the program.
The casting process in any given production is subject to many variables and decisions are made in the context of several plays being cast at the same time, some directed by faculty, some by outside directors and some by student directors. Also, the casting pool changes depending on what year or quarter is current. Casting is based on a variety of considerations all in the service of balancing several intangible and subjective factors including:
- pedagogical considerations
- the director’s vision for the play
- an actor’s enthusiasm (or lack thereof) for a role
- the perceived quality or skill level of audition or previous work of any given actor
- maintaining standards of excellence in all UW productions
While the students’ desires for roles will continue to be taken into account in casting, once final decisions are made it will be the obligation of the actor to accept the assigned role. An up to date casting history file on each student is kept in the Head’s office of each play, role (or roles), director, and theatre space.
The faculty, with student input, continually and forthrightly, in the context of evolving sensibilities, examines these issues. We strive for diversity and inclusion in all such matters. It is the intent of the Program to enable that diversity to flourish. The School of Drama adheres to the University of Washington's policy of equal opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran.
This policy conforms to the policies of the other leading programs around the country.
Drama majors exclusively are able to get a Majors Card which entitles you to 1 admission for each Drama show (musical excluded). These cards are available in the Advising Office at the beginning of each year or when a student becomes a major. There is a limit of one card per student. Drama 101 students are eligible to purchase a 101 card for the quarter they are enrolled. Vouchers are available through the instructor. The price varies according to the studies in that particular quarter.
A student subscription is also available at UW Arts Ticket Office.
MFA/PhD Students receive a yearly pass that entitles them to 1 ticket for each Drama production; pick up the pass in the Production Office.
No personal photocopying is allowed on the Drama office copier - this includes materials for classes you are taking. Teaching Assistants are permitted to use the copy machine in HUT 122 for running class materials for the courses they teach. For large copy orders, please get a budget number/green card from Sue and take it across the street to Paccar. The office copier can also scan and email material. The copy machine in the library is available for personal copying. Whenever possible, save money and trees by putting the material online for the students to read.
Most communication on campus is done by e-mail. Crew assignment notices, late changes to crew and rehearsal calls, and course-related information will be made by e-mail. Please make it a habit to check your e-mail regularly during the school day as you are responsible for any information disseminated in this manner.
In order to take an Incomplete in any Drama course, the student must petition for approval prior to the end of the quarter. Petition forms must be signed by the instructor. This form includes important information about the grade of Incomplete which you should read carefully.
Independent study courses require instructor ID numbers. If you are interested in doing an independent study with a faculty member, get the form off of the web site, have the instructor sign and return to the BA adviser, who will register you. Grad students should see Sue Bruns for independent study registration. To avoid late registration fees, these forms should be returned to the office by the third day of the quarter.
There is an extensive list of Production Policies covering almost all facets of production. You may wish to review the policy memo book on the web at: Some particular policies are included in this handbook, but this list is not intended to be complete.
The online room request form should be used to request a room. Once the form is submitted, an email is sent to the main office, and we will assign a room based on availability. Room requests for the following week will be filled on Friday afternoon, and you will receive an e-mail indicating which room you have been assigned.
- Requests for the current week (Monday-Sunday) will be filled on a first-come basis for appropriate rooms.
- Rooms are available for Drama classes and projects only (e.g. not for your Dance class, or rehearsals for an off campus performance).
- You must be a currently registered UW student to check out rooms for class work or independent projects.
- Requests for the following week may be submitted but will not be filled until Friday afternoon.
- 11:30-1:30 is the heaviest room use in Hutchinson you'll have better luck if you request a room for other times.
- Hut 201 is reserved for PATP use.
- Hut 218 is reserved for Directing use.
- The CAB/Hut 205 is reserved for UTS use weekdays after 5 pm and on weekends and at other times for BA students.
- Acting rehearsals limited to 1 hour/day for each student. Directing project rehearsals limited to 3 hours/weekday for each project, 6 hours on either Saturday or Sunday. Groups working on class projects limited to 3 hours/day.
- Submission of this form does not imply that you have a reservation. After your request has been processed (normally within 24 hours), you will receive another email confirming your reservation.
Terms of Use: Allow enough time for the following tasks.
You MUST make sure they have been completed before you vacate the room.
- Throw away all trash (i.e., paper, cups, napkins).
- Clean and wipe down all markings on the white boards/black boards.
- Raise all blinds and close all windows.
- Stack all unnecessary chairs and put aside.
- Return all furniture/risers/equipment to their original set-up - if you move something, you must put it back before you leave. Return props and costumes to appropriate departments;
- Turn off all equipment, including projectors, along with the room lights.
- Shut door firmly upon leaving.
Each room has been supplied with wooden blocks for aid in rehearsals. Please do not remove blocks or any other furniture or equipment from the room without the permission of the General Manager for Production. Also, do not leave props/furniture or costumes in the room; make arrangements to store them elsewhere.
No theatrical lighting equipment is to be used without the permission of both the General Manager and the primary faculty for that space.
Failure to follow these rules will mean that you forfeit any future use of these spaces. This rule IS enforced.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
- Submission to such conduct is made either an implicit or explicit condition of an individual’s academic, work, living environment or participation in a University community.
- Submission or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for a decision that affects an individual’s academic, work, living environment or participation in a University community.
- The conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it could reasonably be expected to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning or working environment, or has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic, work, living environment, or participation in a University community.
Federal Laws and UW Policy
Sexual harassment is a form of employment discrimination prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination prohibited under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
The University of Washington policy on sexual harassment volume 4 protects the rights and dignity of each individual in the University community.
Types of Sexual Harassment
Generally speaking, there are two types of sexual harassment, “quid pro quo” and hostile environment.
Quid pro quo (meaning “this for that”) sexual harassment occurs when a student submits or rejects conduct of a sexual nature and that affects their involvement in an academic or employment decision or activity. So, for example, if an employee is made to believe that a promotion is likely if the employee goes on a date with the employee’s supervisor, the employee is possibly being subjected to “quid pro quo” sexual harassment.
Hostile environment sexual harassment occurs when unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive environment or is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it affects a person’s ability to participate in a University activity. While a person engaging in harassing behavior most often has some form of power or authority over the person being harassed, that is not always the case. The harasser can be a peer of the person being harassed.
Examples of Sexual Harassment
- Sexual innuendoes, comments or bantering
- Intrusive, sexually explicit questions
- Posting or sending non-consensual sexual images on social media, via text or email
- Pressure, demands or requests for sexual acts
- Sexually explicit correspondence: emails, texts, calls or notes.
- Display of offensive materials: sexually explicit or with graphic content
- Unwanted physical or sexual advances
- Threats, bribes, quid pro quo or stalking
Reporting Sexual Harassment
- Sexual harassment of students is prohibited and can be reported to Title IX. The Health & Wellness Advocate ( can help students understand their reporting options, assist with safety planning, explore academic advocacy and interim measures and connect students to any additional resources and supports on campus.
Getting Help if You’ve Been Sexually Harassed
- Remember that no matter what the circumstances, you are not to blame for what is happening to you. Give yourself permission to do what you need to do to take care of yourself.
Trust your instincts
- Don’t downplay the danger. If you feel you are unsafe, you probably are. Take threats seriously
Tell the harasser to stop
- Be direct, firm and clear about what type of behavior is unacceptable and that you want it to stop. If the harasser continues the behavior, you have options for reporting it.
Tell someone you trust for support
- This could be anyone, so think about who would be the most supportive. This person may be a good listener or be able to provide resource and options.
Contact the Health & Wellness Advocate for support, advocacy and resources
- The Health & Wellness Advocate is here to listen and supports students by providing a confidential place to discuss sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment and related issues. The Health & Wellness Advocate can assist you in reporting and in exploring and arranging for counseling, academic or work changes. Contact for more information.
Keep evidence and a record
- When the harasser contacts you, write down the comments, time, date and place. Keep e-mails, phone messages, texts, letters or notes. Ask witnesses to write down what they saw.
Develop a safety plan, if needed
- This includes things like deciding who you can call when you need help, changing your daily routine, arranging for a place to stay and using the buddy system. The Health & Wellness Advocate or UW Police Department Crime Victim Advocate can help you create a safety plan.
Report to the police
- If you decide to report to the police, you can call the UW Police Department and the police officer will meet you in a location of your choice. You can also contact the Health & Wellness Advocate to review your reporting options. It is your decision to file a report. The harasser may have broken other laws by doing things like assaulting you or stealing or destroying your property.
Seek supportive counseling
- You may want help dealing with the anxiety, fear or other feelings the harassment has caused. The Counseling Center and Hall Health Mental Health are resources on campus. The Health & Wellness Advocate ( can also provide referrals to off-campus community services.
Consider reporting to UW
- Title IX Policies Against Sexual Harassment
- University Complaint Investigation & Resolution Office – UCIRO Conducts investigations of employee (staff and faculty) who alleged to have committed sexual harassment and other issues.
Consider a protection order
- Protection orders are civil court orders that can help protect a victim from a harasser by ordering the person to stop doing threatening acts, to stay away from the places you go and to stop contacting you. There are different types of protection orders depending on the nature of the violence or harassment and the relationship between people.
On Campus
SMOKING, VAPING & the use of e-CIGARETTES is not allowed in any University building. This no-smoking policy is enforced in all Drama facilities. Smoking, vaping, or any open flame are not allowed in any classroom or theater facility. Smoking is allowed only in designated areas on campus and not near any buildings.