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Pre-Show Talk: Language, mysticism, and Latino culture in Life is a Dream and Sueño.

Sunday, June 4, 2017 - 1:00pm to 1:30pm
Adrian Tafesh in Sueno
Photo by Isabel Le

Join PhD student Carlos Salazar for a brief-but-rich pre-show talk about Sueño and its place in the unfinished intercultural process that is America. Carlos will discuss how Spanish language and Latino culture influence a neoliberal American society through the theater gaze. He will also delve into mysticism and the concept of the real vs. the dream in Rivera's Sueño and in Calderón's Life is a Dream (the source material for Sueño). Light refreshments will be provided! Join us in the Playhouse lobby at 1:00 PM before the closing matinee performance of Sueño.

This pre-show talk is free and open to the public. If you do not already have tickets for Sunday's matinee performance of Sueño, click here to purchase.

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