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“Arousing the Empathic Gendered Subject: Transpecies Domesticity and Sentient Spectacles in the Early Enlightenment,” Animal Engagements, ASTR Forum, La Jolla, CA, November, 2018. Conferences 17th Century, 18th Century, Drama, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Popular Culture
2018 Theatre History Symposium of MATC (Mid-America Theatre Conference) in Milwaukee, WIPanel: The Upside Downs: Mobile Theatres, Confinement, and Parallel StagesChair: Robert Shimko, University of Houston Conferences 18th Century, Feminism and Feminist Theory, French, Historiography, History, Performance Studies
 "Intersections and Collaborations: Dramaturg and Director Case Studies in Conversation," Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Montreal, July/August 2015 Conferences 17th Century, 18th Century, Directing, Dramaturgy, French, Opera
“近松の心中物と民間信仰ー年忌供養と回向を中心に (Chikamatsu’s Love Suicide Plays and Popular Belief – An Examination of Death Anniversaries and Memorial Prayers).” Paper presentation in Japanese. 早稲田大学演劇映像学会 (Waseda University’s Conference on Theatre and Film). Tokyo. July, 2014. Conferences 18th Century, Japanese, Religion, Theater History
 “The Politics and Aesthetics of Play:  The Wartburg Book-Burning and Hellenic Masculinity in the Construction of the German Nation,” (Re)Presenting Archives, University of British Columbia, April, 2014 Conferences 18th Century, 19th Century, Aesthetics, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, German, Popular Culture, Race and Ethnicity, Theater History
"Layers of Mourning: Ghosting in Chikamatsu's Love Suicide Plays," Asian Studies Conference Japan. Tokyo. June 2014. Conferences 18th Century, Japanese
“Restoration Sociability and the Post-Revolutionary National Imaginary in Dryden’s Essay of Dramatick Poesie,”  ATHE, Orlando, FL, August, 2019 Conferences 17th Century, 18th Century, Theory/Criticism