This (hi)story started on a ship leaving a port many years ago. It doesn't matter which port, if it was in Spain, in England, the Caribbean or the South Pacific. It is a history that started in the Northern Hemisphere, but it is a story of the South. Is the story of the travels that ended in the South, just to start the History of the "other" Hemisphere, the history of the "Global South."
A conversation from the South aloud very different traditions, separated by thousands of miles to have a dialectic process based on a shared past: the history of the colonies, of the otherness, of the defeated bodies. This conversation will be about the vision these peoplethese nations have of their conquerors. How they embody "the other otherness." The collective past can be trace to the neo-liberal era theater in each country, the bodies and their actions remain in the social and cultural environment.
This work will get a conversation between New Zealand's "Orpheus in Rarohenga" (2002) by Robert Sullivan, and John Psathas and Mexico's "La Malinche" (1999) by Victor Hugo Rascon Banda. Analyzing the visions both plays show about the conquerors Captain James Cook and Marquis Don Hernando Cortes, the primary goal is to obtain a narrative or a common idea from the South territories about figures that defined their history. The bodies of the Conquerors reflected their culture and their ideals, and the gaze the first exchange's people had about them, it's a mark still present in the 21st century.