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Author/Titlesort descending Research Type Related Fields
"Taksim Square, Squared," You Are Here: The Post-Thematic Conference, The American Society for Theatre Research, November 2013. Conferences Critical Theory
Panelist, Seattle GeekGirlCon, "History Has Its Eyes on Hamilton: The Musical, The History, and the Impact," October 2016 Conferences Musical Theater, Race and Ethnicity
"'The Most Famous Man in the U.S. Meets the Most Famous Woman in France': Thomas Edison, Sarah Bernhardt and the Birth of Motion Pictures," You Are Here: The Post-Thematic Conference, The American Society for Theatre Research, November 2013. Conferences Critical Theory, Film/Cinema
"(Gestural Ontologies): Simian Sociality in the Production of Early Modern Universals," Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC), Houston, March, 2017 Conferences 17th Century, Drama, Performance Studies, Popular Culture
"The Octopus: Becoming Guatemalan in a Home Depot Parking Lot," You Are Here: The Post-Thematic Conference, The American Society for Theatre Research, November 2013. Conferences Critical Theory
"Emanuel Fried’s Working Class Theatre, You Are Here: The Post-Thematic Conference, The American Society for Theatre Research, November 2013. Conferences Critical Theory
"First Person, Plural," You Are Here: The Post-Thematic Conference, The American Society for Theatre Research, November 2013. Conferences Critical Theory
"Stained by Tears: Circulation of Affect in Professional and Amateur Performance in Early Modern Osaka," You Are Here: The Post-Thematic Conference, The American Society for Theatre Research, November 2013. Conferences Critical Theory
"Awe and Wonder Putting on a Show: The Anitkythera Mechanism and the Look of the 1st Century B.C.E.," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #18. Conferences Critical Theory
"Beyond Hybrid Bodies in the Early Enlightenment Laboratory: Epistemological Formations as Interspecies Constitutions," From the Curious to the Quantum Working Group, ASTR, Atlanta, November, 2017 Conferences 17th Century, English, French, Global and Transnational Studies, Museum Studies/Museology, Visual Culture
"Creating a Young Epic Audience in Loomer’s Bocón.” SW/TX Popular Culture Assoc./American Culture Assoc. Albuquerque NM. February 2006. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Drowning Playwrights, and Other State Incursions into Genre," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #25. Conferences Critical Theory
"Enacting Engravings: The Pictorial Narrative of Il Pomo d'Oro," Mid-America Theatre Conference, March 2013. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Food in  José Cruz Gonzalez’s Calabasas Street," SW/TX Popular/American Culture. Albuquerque, NM. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Girls Who Do Boys: Teatro Luna’s MACHOS.” SW/TX Popular/American Culture. Albuquerque, NM. February 2009. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Has Theatre Ever Been Secular?", Panel Organizer and Respondent, Religion and Theatre Focus Group, ATHE 2015, Montreal Conferences Global and Transnational Studies, Religion, Social Change, Theory/Criticism
"La Llorona: Helpful Spirit for Children," SW Women Studies Conference. Socorro, NM. March 2003. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Larger than Life: Displacing History at Oklahoma's Centennial Land Run Monument," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #8 Conferences Critical Theory
"Latino Theatre for Young Audiences," Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Latino Theatre for Young Audiences." presented: "Marketing to a New Audience: Seattle Children's Theatre and Tomás and the Library Lady.” Association for Theatre in Higher Education. New York, NY. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Layers of Mourning: Ghosting in Chikamatsu's Love Suicide Plays," Asian Studies Conference Japan. Tokyo. June 2014. Conferences 18th Century, Japanese
"Mourning in Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl," Comparative Drama. Los Angeles, CA. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Reclaiming Rosaura Reveltes," Mixed Heritage/Ethnicity/Race Women's Studies Conference. Albuquerque, NM. March 2004. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Reclaiming Rosaura Reveltes." Mixed Heritage/Ethnicity/Race Women's Studies Conference. Albuquerque, NM. March 2004. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Reenactment and Reinvention: Diasporic Performances of Culture in Cleveland," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #7 Conferences Critical Theory

