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"(Gestural Ontologies): Simian Sociality in the Production of Early Modern Universals," Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC), Houston, March, 2017 Conferences 17th Century, Drama, Performance Studies, Popular Culture
"The Matter of the Heart:  Vesalius, Vivisection, and the Mediation of Print," What Performs? The American Society for Theatre Research, Animals Perform Working Session, November, 2014 Conferences 16th Century, Italian, Popular Culture, Reception Studies, Science and Technology
 “The Politics and Aesthetics of Play:  The Wartburg Book-Burning and Hellenic Masculinity in the Construction of the German Nation,” (Re)Presenting Archives, University of British Columbia, April, 2014 Conferences 18th Century, 19th Century, Aesthetics, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, German, Popular Culture, Race and Ethnicity, Theater History
"(Gestural Ontologies): Simian Sociality in the Production of Early Modern Universals," Living with Animals, EKU, Richmond, March, 2017 Conferences 17th Century, Drama, Ecocriticism, Global and Transnational Studies, Popular Culture, Theater History
"'Better to burn': The Stage, the Church, and the Construction of Woman in Late Fourth Century Antioch," Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), Religion and Theatre Debut Panel, July, 2014 Conferences Ancient, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Popular Culture, Religion, Theater History, Theory/Criticism
“Arousing the Empathic Gendered Subject: Transpecies Domesticity and Sentient Spectacles in the Early Enlightenment,” Animal Engagements, ASTR Forum, La Jolla, CA, November, 2018. Conferences 17th Century, 18th Century, Drama, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Popular Culture
“Framing Violence in Interspecies Relations:  Encountering Flesh as Neoliberal Spatio-temporal Imaginary in The Portland Meat Collective," ASTR 2015, Portland Conferences 21st Century, Activist Theater, Aesthetics, Critical Theory, Popular Culture, Social Change, Visual Culture
“It all Comes Round Again: Immersive 1950s Simulations as Reminiscence Therapy.” Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC), Cleveland, 2022. Conferences 20th Century, 21st Century, Historiography, Performance Studies, Popular Culture
“Performance, Flight, and the 9/11 Memorial & Museum,” American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR). Arlington, 2019. Conferences 21st Century, Historiography, Museum Studies/Museology, Performance Studies, Popular Culture
“Performing the American Astronaut: From Fighter Pilot to Cold Warrior.” Innovation Series. University of Houston. March, 2017. Conferences 20th Century, Costumes, Historiography, History, Performance Studies, Popular Culture, Theater History
“Spinning in Zero G: Playing Astronaut as Touristic Experience …and Theatre Research,” Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC), Milwaukee, 2018. Conferences 21st Century, Culture, Performance Studies, Popular Culture, Postmodern, Theater History
“Tamburlaine and Sublime Auto-Generation:  A Lexical Geography of the Senecan Womb,” Renaissance Ethics Symposium, Yale University, October, 2010 Conferences 16th Century, Aesthetics, Ancient, Classics, Drama, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Popular Culture, Religion, Theater History, Tragedy
“The Character of Nostalgia: Meaning, Yearning, and Simulations of the Recent Past.” Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC), Chicago, 2020. Conferences Historiography, Performance Studies, Popular Culture
“‘The ransome of Prides fury’: The Executions at the Hope Bear-Garden and the (De)Mythologization of the English Commonwealth,” Mid America Theatre Conference (MATC), March, 2013 Conferences 17th Century, Critical Theory, Popular Culture, Religion, Theater History