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“Sighting Segregation Black aesthetics and the materiality of art in St. Louis and Ferguson,” in The Material World of Modern Segregation edited by Iver Bernstein and Heidi Kolk, 2022. Publications, Essays 21st Century, Aesthetics, African American, American, Choreography, History, Performance Studies, Race and Ethnicity, Social Justice, Visual Culture
“An uncharted persistence: Alternative minoritarian theater in austere Chicago,” in Theater and Cultural Politics for a New World, edited by Chinua Thelwell. London: Routledge, 2017: 205-229. Publications, Essays 21st Century, Activist Theater, African American, Arts Management, Asian American, Experimental, Race and Ethnicity, Radical Theater, Social Justice, Theater for Youth
2015, “Justice in Transition: South Africa Political Trials, 1956–1964,” chapter in The Courtroom as a Space of Resistance: Reflections on the Legacy of the Rivonia Trial, edited by Awol Allo. Ashgate, Edinburgh/Glasgow Law and Society Series, Ashgate; reprint from Cole’s monograph on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Publications African, Social Justice
2015, “Genocides at Home: Ishi, Again,” chapter in Theatre and Human Rights after 1945: Things Unspeakable, edited by Mary Luckhurst and Emilie Morin, Palgrave Macmillan Publications Social Change, Social Justice, Theater History
2014, “At the Convergence of Transitional Justice and Art,” Review essay for International Journal of Transitional Justice, Vol. 8, pp. 314-322.  Publications African, Social Justice
2014, “Reverberations of Testimony: South Africa’s TRC in Art and Media,” in Transitional Justice, Culture and Society: Beyond Outreach. Edited by Clara Ramirez-Barat, International Center for Transitional Justice, New York: Social Science Research Council.  Publications African, Social Justice