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Rogus, Amanda. “Educating Survivors: The Traumatic Effects of Sexual Assault on Student Academic Achievement in Graduate Education,” Journal of Psychology Research, vol. 10, no 3, June 2020, pp. 94-100. Publications, Essays Activist Theater
“An uncharted persistence: Alternative minoritarian theater in austere Chicago,” in Theater and Cultural Politics for a New World, edited by Chinua Thelwell. London: Routledge, 2017: 205-229. Publications, Essays 21st Century, Activist Theater, African American, Arts Management, Asian American, Experimental, Race and Ethnicity, Radical Theater, Social Justice, Theater for Youth
“Right to the Artistic City: Performing Engagements Beyond Austerity in Post-Collapse Chicago” Revue Française d’Etudes Américaines (French Review of American Studies) 148 (2016): 84-97. Publications, Essays 21st Century, Activist Theater, Aesthetics, Critical Theory
"Brooklyn’s Experimental Frontiers: A Performance Geography” TDR: The Drama Review 58:3 (August 2014): 97-123. Publications, Essays Theater History, 21st Century, Activist Theater, American, Experimental, Performance Studies, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity
Cortes, Monica Munoz (1995).  The Works of Anna Deavere Smith:  An Exploration of Otherness. The Berkeley McNair Journal, 3 (Summer 1995), 87-97 Publications, Essays Acting, Activist Theater, Critical Theory, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Performance Studies, Theater History, Theory/Criticism