Zimmerman, Shadow D. (2016). The Anima in Theatre: Animating a Jungian Concept for Devisers, Directors, and Actors. UC Santa Cruz: Theater Arts. http://escholarship.org/uc/item/17r577jp. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
20th Century, Acting Pedagogy, Ancient, Dramaturgy, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Masks, Theater History, Theory/Criticism, Tragedy |
"Brown University Production of The Hungry Woman (A Mexican Medea): An Alert of Things to Come." Play Review. Ollantay Theatre Magazine, Spring/Summer 2008 |
Publications, Reviews, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Creating a Young Epic Audience in Loomer’s Bocón.” SW/TX Popular Culture Assoc./American Culture Assoc. Albuquerque NM. February 2006. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Enacting Engravings: The Pictorial Narrative of Il Pomo d'Oro," Mid-America Theatre Conference, March 2013. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Food in José Cruz Gonzalez’s Calabasas Street," SW/TX Popular/American Culture. Albuquerque, NM. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Girls Who Do Boys: Teatro Luna’s MACHOS.” SW/TX Popular/American Culture. Albuquerque, NM. February 2009. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"La Llorona: Helpful Spirit for Children," SW Women Studies Conference. Socorro, NM. March 2003. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Latino Theatre for Young Audiences," Association for Theatre in Higher Education. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Latino Theatre for Young Audiences." presented: "Marketing to a New Audience: Seattle Children's Theatre and Tomás and the Library Lady.” Association for Theatre in Higher Education. New York, NY. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Mourning in Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl," Comparative Drama. Los Angeles, CA. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Reclaiming Rosaura Reveltes," Mixed Heritage/Ethnicity/Race Women's Studies Conference. Albuquerque, NM. March 2004. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Reclaiming Rosaura Reveltes." Mixed Heritage/Ethnicity/Race Women's Studies Conference. Albuquerque, NM. March 2004. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Silencing the Fool: The Hanswurst Controversy of 18th Century Vienna," American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, April 2013. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Teatro Visión’s 2006 Production of Alfaro’s Electricidad: Reclaiming the Mexican Heritage Plaza," ATHE. New Orleans, LA. July 2007. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"The Commerce of Textual Sex: How Ken Davenport Made My First Time." American Society for Theatre Research Conference, November 2011. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"The Theoretical Work of Jose Cruz Gonzalez." ATHE. Los Angeles, CA. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"University of Washington Students' Work Related to Women of Sand." SW/TX Popular/American Culture. Albuquerque, NM. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"You Are What You Eat: Mexicanidad and Producing Valdez's Los Vendidos." SW/Texas Popular Culture Assoc./American Culture Association. Albuquerque, NM. Feb. 2005. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
"Picante or Szechuan?: Aquiring a Taste for Ethnic Performance," ASTR. Las Vegas, NV. November 2004. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
Al-Saber, Samer. Permission To Perform: Palestinian Theatre in Jerusalem, 1967-1993. 2013. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Theater History, 20th Century, Drama |
Article Writing Seminar for the Latino Theatre Focus Group, ATHE. Denver, CO. August 2008. |
Conferences, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
Beeston's Boys and Negotiations of Sovereignty in Late Caroline Drama, Master's Thesis, Oklahoma State University, 2012; Maria Beach, Advisor |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
16th Century, 17th Century, Drama, English, Popular Culture, Theater History |
Bonjean, Elizabeth Geralyn. In the Shadow of Civil Wars: Performances of Cultural Memory. 2005. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Theater History, Drama, Performance Studies |
Book Review of Performance Practice and Process. New Theatre Quarterly, Spring 2008 |
Publications, Reviews, Graduate |
Critical Theory |
Book Review of The Performance Studies Reader. for New Theatre Quarterly, Spring 2008 |
Publications, Reviews, Graduate |
Critical Theory |