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Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Tracy C. Davis and Stefka Mihaylova, eds. Uncle Tom's Cabins: The Transnational History of America's Most Mutable Book. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2018. Publications, Books 19th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century, Drama, Global and Transnational Studies, Literature and Other Arts, Performance Studies
Elizabeth Osborne and Shelby Lunderman. “This is the Dawning of the Age of the Online Course: Reimagining Introduction to Theatre.” In New Directions in Teaching Theatre Arts, edited by Anne Fliotsos and Gail MedfordPalgrave Macmillan, 2018. Publications, Essays Theater History
Scott Venters, "'Better to burn': The Prima Mimarum and Political Friction in Fourth-Century Antioch," Theatre Journal (March, 2018). Publications Ancient, Classics, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Performance Studies, Popular Culture, Religion
“An uncharted persistence: Alternative minoritarian theater in austere Chicago,” in Theater and Cultural Politics for a New World, edited by Chinua Thelwell. London: Routledge, 2017: 205-229. Publications, Essays 21st Century, Activist Theater, African American, Arts Management, Asian American, Experimental, Race and Ethnicity, Radical Theater, Social Justice, Theater for Youth
Rogus, Amanda M. "Scorpions of the Mind:" An Analysis of Justin Kurzel's Film Adaptation of the Soliloquies in William Shakespeare's Macbeth," Spectrum, vol. 30, no. 3, April 2017, pp. 68-75. Publications, Essays Shakespeare
Axel Andersson and Scott Magelssen, “Performing a Viking History of America: The 1893 Voyage and Display of a Viking Longship at the Columbus Quadricentennial.” Theatre Journal 69.2 (June 2017), pp. 175-195. Publications, Essays 19th Century, Culture, Historiography, History, Performance Studies, Popular Culture, Scandinavian, Theater History, Theory/Criticism, Visual Culture
Madden, C. and Juhl, K. Galvanizing Performance: The Alexander Technique as a Catalyst for Excellence. London: Singing Dragon, 2017  Publications, Books Acting, Acting Pedagogy, Alexander Technique, Dance, Music, Singing
London in a Box - Englishness and Theatre in Revolutionary America.  University of Iowa Press.  Publications, Books Theater History, 18th Century, American, History
Foreword, “Sequins, Self and Struggle” special issue, Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies, vol. 18, no. 2., 2017 Publications African
“Right to the Artistic City: Performing Engagements Beyond Austerity in Post-Collapse Chicago” Revue Française d’Etudes Américaines (French Review of American Studies) 148 (2016): 84-97. Publications, Essays 21st Century, Activist Theater, Aesthetics, Critical Theory
Rogus, Amanda M. "Treachery Thy Name is Barabas, Lawfulness Thy Name is Shylock, Yet Villainy in Both?: Law's Role in Marlowe's Malta and Shakespeare's Merchant," Spectrum, vol. 29, no. 2, May 2016, pp. 58-64. Publications, Essays Shakespeare
Scott Magelssen, “Our Academic Discipline is Making Us Sicker.” Special Section: ASTR’s 60th Anniversary. Theatre Survey 57.3 (September, 2016) 389-394. Publications, Essays Culture, Performance Studies, Popular Culture, Theater History
Scott Magelssen, “White-Skinned Gods: Thor Heyerdahl, The Kon-Tiki Museum, and the Racial Theory of Polynesian Origins.” TDR: The Drama Review 60.1 [T229] (Winter, 2016). Publications, Essays Indigenous, Performance Studies, Popular Culture, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity, Scandinavian, Theater History
2016, “In the Theater of the Rule of Law: Performing the Rivonia Trial in South Africa, 1963-1964,” co-authored with Jens Meierhenrich, chapter in Political Trials in Theory and History edited by Jens Meierhenrich and Devin O. Pendas, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  Publications African
Todd London. The Servant Economy. HowIRound, 2016. Publications, Essays Acting, Culture
Todd London, et all. Zelda Fichandler, Valient Striver in the Arena. American Theatre, 2016. Publications, Essays History, Theater Management
Todd London. A Lover's Guide to American Playwrights: Anne Washburn. HowIRound, 2016. Publications, Essays Playwriting
Todd London. 15 Actors, 20 Years: Making Lives In and Out  of the American Theatre. Dutch Kills Press, 2016. Publications, Books Acting
Cathy Madden (contributor), Marjorie Barstow, Her Teaching and Training, published 2016 (Mouritz) Publications, Books, Essays Alexander Technique
"'Would you die for the Fatherland?': Disciplining the German Commemorative Body," Theatre History Studies 35 (2016): 39-72. Publications, Essays 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, Culture, Dance, Modernism, Performance Studies, Popular Culture, Race and Ethnicity
Rogus, Amanda M. "Too Much of a Good Thing is Not Good: An Analysis of Inside Out from the Outside In," Spectrum, vol. 28, no. 2, May 2015, pp. 58-64. Publications, Essays Film/Cinema
“The Radical Formalism of Suzan-Lori Parks and Sarah Kane,” Theatre Survey 56.2 (May 2015):  213-31 Publications, Essays 20th Century, Drama, Theory/Criticism
2015, “The Theater and the University: Two ‘Last’ (and Lasting) Human Venues,” Theatre Topics, vol. 25, no. 1. Publications Theater History
2015, “Justice in Transition: South Africa Political Trials, 1956–1964,” chapter in The Courtroom as a Space of Resistance: Reflections on the Legacy of the Rivonia Trial, edited by Awol Allo. Ashgate, Edinburgh/Glasgow Law and Society Series, Ashgate; reprint from Cole’s monograph on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Publications African, Social Justice
2015, “Genocides at Home: Ishi, Again,” chapter in Theatre and Human Rights after 1945: Things Unspeakable, edited by Mary Luckhurst and Emilie Morin, Palgrave Macmillan Publications Social Change, Social Justice, Theater History

