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Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Todd London. A Lover's Guide to American Playwrights--I Married a Playwright: Karen Hartman. HowIRound, 2015.  Publications, Essays Playwriting
"'The ransome of Prides fury':  The Executions as the Hope Bear-Garden and the (De)Mythologization of the English Commonwealth."  New England Theatre Journal 26 (2015): 1-20. Publications, Essays 17th Century, English, Performance Studies, Popular Culture, Theater History
Hartman, Karen PRO CHOICE PASSIVE, January 22, 2015, Washington Post   Publications, Essays Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
"Brooklyn’s Experimental Frontiers: A Performance Geography” TDR: The Drama Review 58:3 (August 2014): 97-123. Publications, Essays Theater History, 21st Century, Activist Theater, American, Experimental, Performance Studies, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity
2014, “At the Convergence of Transitional Justice and Art,” Review essay for International Journal of Transitional Justice, Vol. 8, pp. 314-322.  Publications African, Social Justice
2014, “Reverberations of Testimony: South Africa’s TRC in Art and Media,” in Transitional Justice, Culture and Society: Beyond Outreach. Edited by Clara Ramirez-Barat, International Center for Transitional Justice, New York: Social Science Research Council.  Publications African, Social Justice
Todd London. A Short Personal History of a Beautiful, Slippery Phrase. HowIRound, 2014. Publications, Essays Culture, Playwriting
Cathy Madden.  Integrative Alexander Technique Practice for Performing Artists: Onstage Synergy.  Intellect Books, 2014. Publications, Books Acting, Acting Pedagogy, Alexander Technique, Dance, Music
Scott Magelssen. Simming: Participatory Performance and the Making of Meaning. U of Michigan Press, 2014. Publications, Books Theater History, Performance Studies, Popular Culture
Todd London. What Price Idealism, or Who You Gonna Dance With? HowIRound, 2013. Publications, Essays Culture, Playwriting
Todd London. I Don't Want to Talk about Innovation: A Talk about Innovation. HowIRound, 2013. Publications, Essays Culture, Playwriting
A Sustainable Theatre, Jasper Deeter at Hedgerow, Barry Witham, Palgrave Studies in Theatre and Performance, 2013 Publications, Books 20th Century, Theater History
Todd London. The Importance of Staying Earnest: Writings from Inside the American Theatre, 1988-2013. NoPassport Press, 2013. Publications, Books Playwriting
Todd London. An Ideal Theater: Founding Visions for a New American Art. Theatre Communications Group, 2013. Publications, Books 20th Century, American
Stefka Mihaylova. Review of Reading Modern Drama. Theatre Journal, 2013. Publications, Reviews Drama
“Black love? Black love!: All Aboard the presence of punk in Seattle’s NighTraiN” Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory 22: 2-3 (November 2012): 315-323. Publications, Essays, Reviews Theater History, Theory/Criticism, 21st Century, Aesthetics, African American, American, Music
Todd London. In Search of An Artistic Home. HowIRound, 2012. Publications, Essays Playwriting
Wild Kate: A Tale of Revenge at Sea Creative Work, Publications Playwriting
Girl Under Grain (Anthologized in New America) Creative Work, Publications Playwriting
Essay, "Bir Biçim Polemiği: Fredric Jameson’ın Marksizm ve Form eseri ışığında Brecht-Lukacs tartışması ve Üç Kuruşluk Opera eseri üzerinde bir uygulama.” Septet Interdiscipliary Journal for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Vol 2. June 2012. Publications, Essays, Graduate Critical Theory
Thomas Postlewait, series editor. Studies in Theatre History and Culture. U of Iowa Press, 1991-2012. Publications, Books Culture, Theater History
Todd London. A Lover's Guide to American Playwrights: Horton Foote. HowIRound, 2011.  Publications, Essays Playwriting
Bound in a Gay Union by a State Denying It Publications, Essays American
Stefka Mihaylova. Review of Endgame, by Samuel Beckett, directed by Frank Gallati, Steppenwolf Theatre, Chicago. Journal of Beckett Studies, 2011. Publications, Reviews 20th Century
Thomas Postlewait and Charlotte Canning, editors. Representing the Theatrical Past: Essays in the Historiography of Performance. U of Iowa Press, 2011. Publications, Books Historiography

