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Author/Titlesort ascending Research Type Related Fields
"The Private vs. Public Death of a Patriarch in 'All My Sons' and 'August: Osage County,'" ATDS, Comparative Drama Conference, 'Revealing Patriarch: Cruelty, Corruption, and Death in Contemporary U.S. Drama' Panel, Baltimore, MD, April 2013. Conferences American, Playwriting
"The Matter of the Heart:  Vesalius, Vivisection, and the Mediation of Print," What Performs? The American Society for Theatre Research, Animals Perform Working Session, November, 2014 Conferences 16th Century, Italian, Popular Culture, Reception Studies, Science and Technology
"The Commerce of Textual Sex: How Ken Davenport Made My First Time." American Society for Theatre Research Conference, November 2011. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"The Behzti Riot: Revising the Narrative of Post-Wold War II Radical Theatre in Biew of Non-Leftist Performance," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #13. Conferences Critical Theory
"Teatro Visión’s 2006 Production of Alfaro’s Electricidad: Reclaiming the Mexican Heritage Plaza," ATHE. New Orleans, LA. July 2007. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Spectacular Performance in Cuzco, Peru: Indigenismo and the Restor(y)ation of Andean Culture," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #19. Conferences Critical Theory
"Sovereign Bodies:  Excessive Materiality and the Performance of Dis-substantiation in the Formation of the Public Sphere," Mid-America Theatre Conference (2015) Conferences 17th Century, African American, Critical Theory, Ecocriticism, Global and Transnational Studies, Theater History
"Silencing the Fool: The Hanswurst Controversy of 18th Century Vienna," American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, April 2013. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Revising the National Theater Narrative of 18th-Century Germany," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #21. Conferences Critical Theory
"Remembering the Best and Forgetting the Rest: Training as a Dramaturg," Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Montreal, July/August 2015 Conferences Dramaturgy
"Remembering the Best and Forgetting the Rest: Training as a Dramaturg," Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Montreal, July/August 2015  Conferences Dramaturgy
"Reenactment and Reinvention: Diasporic Performances of Culture in Cleveland," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #7 Conferences Critical Theory
"Reclaiming Rosaura Reveltes." Mixed Heritage/Ethnicity/Race Women's Studies Conference. Albuquerque, NM. March 2004. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Reclaiming Rosaura Reveltes," Mixed Heritage/Ethnicity/Race Women's Studies Conference. Albuquerque, NM. March 2004. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Mourning in Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl," Comparative Drama. Los Angeles, CA. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Layers of Mourning: Ghosting in Chikamatsu's Love Suicide Plays," Asian Studies Conference Japan. Tokyo. June 2014. Conferences 18th Century, Japanese
"Latino Theatre for Young Audiences." presented: "Marketing to a New Audience: Seattle Children's Theatre and Tomás and the Library Lady.” Association for Theatre in Higher Education. New York, NY. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Latino Theatre for Young Audiences," Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Larger than Life: Displacing History at Oklahoma's Centennial Land Run Monument," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #8 Conferences Critical Theory
"La Llorona: Helpful Spirit for Children," SW Women Studies Conference. Socorro, NM. March 2003. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Has Theatre Ever Been Secular?", Panel Organizer and Respondent, Religion and Theatre Focus Group, ATHE 2015, Montreal Conferences Global and Transnational Studies, Religion, Social Change, Theory/Criticism
"Girls Who Do Boys: Teatro Luna’s MACHOS.” SW/TX Popular/American Culture. Albuquerque, NM. February 2009. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Food in  José Cruz Gonzalez’s Calabasas Street," SW/TX Popular/American Culture. Albuquerque, NM. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Enacting Engravings: The Pictorial Narrative of Il Pomo d'Oro," Mid-America Theatre Conference, March 2013. Conferences, Graduate Critical Theory
"Drowning Playwrights, and Other State Incursions into Genre," Mid-America Theatre Conference 2014, History Symposium #25. Conferences Critical Theory

