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Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Scott Magelssen and Rhona Justice-Malloy, editors. Enacting History. U of Alabama Press, 2011. Publications, Books Museum Studies/Museology, Popular Culture, Theater History
Catherine M. Cole. Performing South Africa's Truth Commission. Indiana University Press, 2010.  Publications, Books African
Theatre Review, “Grotowski Tiyatrosu ve Düsündükleri; Grotowski Bulusmasi”, in Oyun, a quarterly theatre and performance periodical, issue no. 3, 2010, p. 54-60; 71-80. Publications, Reviews, Graduate Critical Theory

Scott Magelssen and Henry Bial, editors. Theater Historiography: Critical Interventions. U of Michigan Press, 2010.

Publications, Books Historiography
Cole, Jennifer and Lynn M. Thomas, eds. Love in Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009. Print. Publications, Books 20th Century, African, Culture
Antigone Project Creative Work, Publications Playwriting
The Federal Theatre Project, A Case Study, Barry Witham, Cambridge Studies in American Theatre and Drama, Cambridge University Press, 2009 Publications, Books 20th Century, Theater History
Stefka Mihaylova. “Whose Performance Is It, Anyway? Performed Criticism as a Feminist Strategy.” New Theatre Quarterly, 2009. Publications, Essays Feminism and Feminist Theory
Thomas Postlewait. The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Historiography. Cambridge UP, 2009. Publications, Books Historiography, Theater History
The Modern Girl Around the World Research Group (Alys Eve Weinbaum, Lynn M. Thomas, Priti Ramamurthy, Uta G. Poiger, Madeleine Yue Dong, and Tani E. Barlow, eds.)The Modern Girl Around the World. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008. Print. Publications, Books 20th Century, Culture, Feminism and Feminist Theory
Kwame Braun.Video Portraits of Survival. USCB and Jewish Federation. 2006-2008 Publications, Film/Video Film/Cinema
Troy Women Creative Work, Publications Playwriting
Theatre Review, “Hotel Pro Forma”, 2008 Sanat Dünyamiz. Güz 2008 -108th issue Yapi Kredi Kültür Yayincilik, p. 8-10, and in the 15th issue of Mimesis, in the 2008 Istanbul Theatre Festival dossier. Publications, Reviews, Graduate Critical Theory
Book Review of Performance Practice and Process. New Theatre Quarterly, Spring 2008 Publications, Reviews, Graduate Critical Theory
Book Review of The Performance Studies Reader. for New Theatre Quarterly, Spring 2008 Publications, Reviews, Graduate Critical Theory
"Brown University Production of The Hungry Woman (A Mexican Medea): An Alert of Things to Come." Play Review.  Ollantay Theatre Magazine, Spring/Summer 2008 Publications, Reviews, Graduate Critical Theory
Stefka Mihaylova. Review of Theatre of Estrangement: Theatre, Practice, Ideology, by Silvija Jestrovic. Contemporary Theatre Review, 2008. Publications, Reviews 20th Century
Catherine M. Cole. Africa After Gender? Indiana University Press, 2007. Publications, Books African
ALICE: Tales of a Curious Girl Creative Work, Publications Playwriting
“Shiva in America:  Frontiers of Destruction.”  New Plains Review 7.2 (2007):  73-76. Publications, Essays 18th Century, 19th Century, Aesthetics, American, English, History
Theatre Review, “Birinci ÇGSG Sahne Sanatlari Bulusmasinin Ardindan...”, Tiyatro Tiyatro, July 2007, on the contributing performances at the first convention of the contemporary performance arts in Istanbul between May 22nd and June 3rd. Publications, Reviews, Graduate Critical Theory
Book translation, Sehirler, published in December 2007, by Yapi Kredi Kültür Yayincilik: Reader, John. 2004. Cities London: William Heinemann. Citation for my translation: Reader, John. Sehirler. trans. F. Bahar Karlidag. Istanbul: YKY, 2007. Publications, Translations, Graduate Critical Theory
Scott Magelssen. Living History Museums: Undoing History Through Performance. Scarecrow, 2007. Publications, Books Popular Culture, Theater History

Scott Magelssen and Ann Haugo, editors. Querying Difference in Theatre History. Cambridge Scholars, 2007.

Publications, Books Historiography
Stefka Mihaylova. “Reading Corneille with Brecht: The Comedy of Illusion and the Illusions of Citizenship.” The Theatre of Tony Kushner: New Essays on the Art and Politics of the Plays. Ed. by James Fisher, 2006. Publications, Essays 17th Century, 20th Century

